To resize your images, upload them to our linkedin background photo resizer tool below.

Our free online linkedin background photo resizer tool makes resizing images simple.


or drop your file here

Precise LinkedIn Background Photo Resizing
Precise LinkedIn Background Photo Resizing
Our LinkedIn Photo Resizer offers precise control over resizing your background photos for your LinkedIn profile. Say goodbye to cropped or distorted backgrounds with our accurate resizing.
Customised Background Photo Sizing
Customised Background Photo Sizing
Tailor your LinkedIn background photo to perfection. Adjust the dimensions and aspect ratios to match your personal or professional brand, ensuring it looks just the way you want it to.
Automatic Size Optimization
Automatic Size Optimization
Don't stress about LinkedIn's ever-changing background photo size requirements. Our resizer automatically optimises your images to fit LinkedIn's specifications, saving you time and ensuring compliance.
Effortless Online Resizing
Effortless Online Resizing
Resize your LinkedIn background photos directly online without the need to download or install any software. Our user-friendly web-based tool simplifies the resizing process.
Cross-Platform Compatibility
Cross-Platform Compatibility
Whether you're using a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, our LinkedIn Photo Resizer is compatible with various devices and operating systems, providing you with flexibility and convenience.
Image Quality Preservation
Image Quality Preservation
We prioritise maintaining the quality of your background photos. Your visuals are processed carefully to ensure they look sharp and professional on your LinkedIn profile.

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What is the LinkedIn Photo Resizer tool?

The LinkedIn Photo Resizer is a web-based tool designed specifically to help you resize and optimise your LinkedIn background photos and cover photos, ensuring they meet LinkedIn's size and dimension requirements.

What are the key features of the LinkedIn Photo Resizer?

Our tool offers precise control over resizing, automatic optimization to match LinkedIn's specifications, and the ability to tailor dimensions and aspect ratios to your liking.

Can I use this tool to resize my LinkedIn profile picture?

The LinkedIn Photo Resizer primarily focuses on resizing background photos and cover photos. For profile pictures, you may want to explore other LinkedIn image resizing tools.

Does this tool work with LinkedIn's changing image size requirements?

Yes, our tool automatically adapts to LinkedIn's evolving size requirements, ensuring that your background photos and cover photos are always up to date.

Are there customization options available for resizing?

Absolutely! You can adjust the dimensions, aspect ratios, and orientations to match your personal or professional brand, giving you complete control over how your background photos and cover photos appear.

Is it necessary to download any software to use this tool?

No, there's no need to download or install anything. Our user-friendly web-based tool allows you to resize your LinkedIn background photos and cover photos directly online.

Can I use the LinkedIn Photo Resizer on different devices and operating systems?

Yes, our tool is compatible with various devices and operating systems, ensuring a seamless experience whether you're using a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Will the resizing process affect the quality of my background photos or cover photos?

We prioritise maintaining the quality of your images. Our tool processes your visuals carefully to ensure they look sharp and professional on your LinkedIn profile.

Does the tool provide guidance on LinkedIn's background photo guidelines?

Yes, the LinkedIn Photo Resizer offers guidance and reminders about LinkedIn's background photo guidelines, helping you adhere to best practices for your profile.

Is technical expertise required to use this tool?

Not at all! Our tool is designed for ease of use, and you can resize your background photos and cover photos with just a few simple clicks, no technical expertise needed.

What if I encounter issues or have questions about resizing my LinkedIn background photos or cover photos?

Our dedicated customer support team is available to assist you, you can reach out to our customer support team via email. Simply send your inquiries to, and our dedicated team will promptly respond to address your concerns. Additionally, we provide a comprehensive FAQ section to guide you through the resizing process and address common concerns.

Is my data safe when using the LinkedIn Photo Resizer?

We take data privacy seriously. Your uploaded images are processed securely, and we do not store or share your personal data without your consent. You can review our privacy policy for more details.

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